Tax & Accounting
Getting ahead today takes strategy, expertise, skills and commitment. You work hard to earn an income, whether it’s in your own business or as a salaried employee. Sadly, tax legislation changes happen so regularly that it’s difficult to know if you are getting the best outcome from your tax return. Or worse, you may be concerned that your trust or self-managed super fund is not compliant – leading to potential fines from the ATO.
That’s where our partner accounting firm, John Gigis & Co Pty Ltd, comes in.
How we can help
Our partner accounting firm can provide advice and assistance with:
Corporate and personal taxation
Establishing a business with the correct structure – sole trader, company or trust
Ensuring all your registration, tax and compliance requirements are met
Preparing financial statements and tax returns for super funds, companies, trustees
Providing strategic advice to ensure you legally minimise tax and protect important assets
Cash flows and budgeting for businesses
Preparing and lodging your personal tax returns
Support management teams with internal reporting and financial analysis
Conducting due diligences and advising on management buyouts, business acquisitions, sales and restructuring.