Estate Planning
Estate planning is about passing on your wealth to the people you most care about, in the most tax effective manner, and with the least hassle. You have worked hard to build your wealth, and some small steps at this stage in your life will ensure it is protected and distributed to the people you love.
It’s surprising that many otherwise organised people don’t have an up-to-date will. But, estate planning can be complex, particularly if you own a business, have dependent children or have re-married.
How we can help
We will remove the jargon of estate planning, help you with confirming your goals for this area, and discuss general strategies that can achieve your goals. We will then work with your solicitor (or alternatively we can recommend a solicitor who’s right for you) who will draft the required documentation to achieve your needs. The sorts of documents you may need would be:
A will
Powers of Attorney
Superannuation nominations
Perhaps a Testamentary Trust